How to Improve Kids’ Sleep | 10 resources to help kids sleep

How to Improve Kid’s Sleep As parents, we want to stay educated and up-to-date on what best helps our kids learn, grow, and thrive. This page is centered around the topic of sleep. Why sleep? Here are a few reasons: 1. Sleep is core to improvement and maintenance in a number of areas including attention, …

why you should sleep more Traverse City counseling

Why you should sleep more | Better sleep = Better grades

9 ways to get better sleep Sleep is when our brains organize what has happened. Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep. People/kids in school need 8-10 hours to appropriately categorize what they have learned. Less sleep = More anxiety/depression/academic failure Don’t have a TV in your bedroom, it stimulates your brain to …

Traverse City counseling family

Nine ways to get better sleep

9 ways to get better sleep Sleep is when our brains organize what has happened. Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep. People/kids in school need 8-10 hours to appropriately categorize what they have learned. Less sleep = More anxiety/depression/academic failure Don’t have a TV in your bedroom, it stimulates your brain to …

sleep counseling Traverse City counselor family

Mental Wellness: More than beauty rest

Originally appeared in the Record Eagle, April 21, 2012 available at: My grandma had a sleep mask. You know the kind that blocks out light? Hers was pink. I always thought it looked stupid. Then my wife gave me one last December, except mine is brown and black. When I got it, I thought, …